Conscious Content Tool
A downloadable tool
Conscious Game Engine Content Tool
The conscious content tool is a tool to create content in the form of a data structure that can be imported by the conscious game engine to create thought-driven point-and-click adventure games. The game engine can be found as a GitHub repository and a prototype game created with the conscious game engine and the conscious content tool can be seen on the page.
See also the GitHub page of the conscious game engine.
The conscious game engine has 3 different types of general objects in the world:
- rooms: A closed part of the game. Rooms are connected by door-items. A room has items and characters and a background.
- items: An item is an object in a room that can be interacted with in some way.
- characters: A character is something that can at least say something, but can also run a dialog with the protagonist.
Note, that items and characters are things. Things in its abstract form are not much more than sprites represented in the game world. Hence, a background of a room is a thing. Everything that is more important in the world and has more functionality in a room is either an item or character.
Also, both, items and characters, must have a Thought-Graph, that leads to some interaction.
An examplary created data structure is `conscious_content_data_mod.json`. It contains the content of the prototype game getting up is hard.
Technical background
The tool is a web application with a react frontend and an express.js backend and a NoSQL MongoDB as the server.
Status | Prototype |
Category | Tool |
Author | waackph |
Tags | GameMaker, helper-tool, Point & Click |
Install instructions
For instructions see also the GitHub page.
(Source of code:
Start a new project with pre setup: `npx create-react-app game-content-tool`
`npm install --save react-router-dom`
`npm install --save axios`
Axios is a lightweight HTTP client based similar to a Fetch API. Axios is a promise-based async/await library for readable asynchronous code. We can easily integrate with React, and it is effortless to use in any front-end framework.<br>
-> We’ll call our APIs through Axios.
If host error, add local variable: HOST=localhost
Start using `npm start` Or: `yarn start`
Express & NodeJS
`npm i express mongoose body-parser bcryptjs validation`
- bcryptjs is a password hashing function designed by Niels Provos and David Mazières
- body-parser allows us to get the data throughout the request
- express is our main framework
- mongoose is used to connect/interact with MongoDB
- validation (as its name implies) is used for validation
`npm i -D nodemon`
- nodemon is a utility that will monitor for any changes in your source and automatically restart your server.
Modify package.json so nodemon will update server side stuff if some code changed.
Add `app.js` File and set port and index route entry point.
To interact with react frontend and dont vandalate CORS policy `npm install cors` needs to be installed.
Execute express application: `npm run app`
### MongoDB
Docker instance of mongo db: `docker run -d --name conscious_db -p -v /home/phil/Desktop/stuff/projects_game/06_Game_Implementation/Game-Content-Tool/backend-project/conscious_db_data:/data/db -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=root -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootpw mongo:5.0.5`
Start backend (folder backend-project): `npm run app`
Start frontend (folder frontend-project): `npm start`
Print/export mongodb (in python): `python3 <collection_name> <print||export>`
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